
The zip file containing XCLASS (version 1.4.3) can be downloaded here.

XCLASS has only been tested on Linux and Mac systems. We have no experience with Windows!

Required packages

XCLASS requires the following packages:

  • gcc (version 7.4.0 or newer),

  • gfortran (version 7.4.0 or newer) with OpenMP,

  • OpenMPI (version 1.8.6),

  • python 3.x (recommended >= 3.10),

  • numpy (version 1.19.5 or newer),

  • scipy (version 1.5.4 or newer),

  • matplotlib (version 3.3.4 or newer),

  • astropy (version 4.1 or newer),

  • spectral_cube (version 0.6.3 or newer),

  • regions (version 0.5 or newer),

  • PyQt5 (version 5.14.1 or newer),

  • h5py (version 3.1.0 or newer),

  • lxml (version 4.9.2 or newer),

  • emcee (version 3.1.4 or newer),

  • ultranest (version 3.6.4 or newer),

  • libraries: libz, libm, libdl, libcurl, libpthread, and libgomp.


In order to install the XCLASS package just execute

python3 -m pip install xclass_pip_off/


(Thanks to David Friedlander)

On a Apple Silicon (M1 Pro) hardware architectures the following additional environment variables have to be defined

export FC=gfortran-mp-12
export CC=gcc-mp-12
export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib -lcurl -lz"

For some other env variables we need to determine where things are first, as this will change as MacPorts packages get upgraded over the years. For each of these items we can search the list of contents of a given package, and then run that output through “dirname” which gives us the enclosing directory. In each case, use the name of the actual package installed on your system.

“mpif90” compiler

dirname `port contents openmpi-gcc12 | grep mpif90$`

leads to:

export PATH="/opt/local/libexec/openmpi-gcc12/:${PATH}"

“f951” binary (needed by gfortran)

dirname `port contents gcc12 | grep f951`

leads to (don’t just copy these– the CPU architecture matters!) :

export PATH="/opt/local/libexec/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin22/12.2.0:${PATH}"


export PATH="/opt/local/libexec/gcc/arm64-apple-darwin22/12.2.0:${PATH}"

And the code needs to be able to find the omp_lib.mod module:

dirname `port contents gcc12 | grep omp_lib.mod`

leads to:

export FINCLUDE="-I/opt/local/lib/gcc12/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin22/12.2.0/finclude"


export FINCLUDE="-I/opt/local/lib/gcc12/gcc/arm64-apple-darwin22/12.2.0/finclude"

Init file

During the installation process, XCLASS creates a new subdirectory, called .xclass located in the user’s home directory, i.e.


This subdirectory contains a small text file called init.dat, which describes some internal parameters used by XCLASS. Additionally, XCLASS creates a subdirectory called db/, i.e.


which contains the XCLASS database file cdms_sqlite.db.


In order to use the parallelization option of the interface, the user might increase the stack size for OpenMP by adding the following lines to the .bashrc (or .bash_profile) file:

ulimit -s unlimited
export KMP_STACKSIZE='3999M'
export OMP_STACKSIZE='3999M'
export GOMP_STACKSIZE='3999M'

Please note, if more or less RAM is available, please increase/decrease the value "3999" to a value useful for your machine.

Job directories

The XCLASS interface creates so-called job directories for many XCLASS function, where all files created by a function call are stored in. By default, all these job-directories are stored in a so-called run directory which is created within the .xclass subdirectory with name “run”, i.e.


Sometimes it is useful to create the run directory, not within the XCLASS subdirectory. By defining the environment variable XCLASSJobDirectory

export XCLASSJobDirectory="run_somewhere_else"

the user can define another location for the run directory.

Temporary files

During the fit process, the MAGIX optimization package included in XCLASS creates many temporary files, which are written to the temporary directory (temp). This directory is by default also located within the .xclass subdirectory with name “temp”, i.e.


By defining the environment variable MAGIXTempDirectory

export MAGIXTempDirectory="temp_somewhere_else"

in the bashrc (or .bash_profile) file, the user can define another location for this temporary directory. It is strongly recommended to use a so-called RAM drive, i.e. set the environment variable to (Linux users)

export MAGIXTempDirectory="/dev/shm/user-name/"

whenever possible. (The RAM drive is a common name for a temporary file storage facility on many Unix-like operating systems. The usage of a RAM drive improve the performance of XCLASS because the temporary files are not written to the hard drive but to the RAM, which is orders of magnitude faster.)

For Mac users, add the following lines to your .bash_profile file to create a RAM drive (no guarantee)

## create RAM drive on Mac
if [ -d /Volumes/RAMDisk/ ]; then echo ' '; else diskutil erasevolume HFS+ 'RAMDisk' `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://16777216`; fi

## create a subdirectory there for user 'user-name'
if [ -d /Volumes/RAMDisk/user-name/ ]; then echo ' '; else mkdir -p /Volumes/RAMDisk/user-name/; fi

## set temp directory environment variable for MAGIX
export MAGIXTempDirectory=/Volumes/RAMDisk/user-name/


  • astropy 6.0 can not be used with spectral-cube 0.6.3 (Status: 2024-01-25)

    -> downgrade to astropy 5.0 (?)

  • There is a problem when installing XCLASS in a virtual environment because numpy.f2py cannot be executed there

    -> ??

  • The following error message may appear on Macs

    A system call failed during shared memory initialization that should
    not have.  It is likely that your MPI job will now either abort or
    experience performance degradation.
    Local host:  gs66-draco
    System call: unlink(2) /var/folders/v9/d5smf9694zjd9q3jtnykh1m46xv24k/T//ompi.gs66-draco.232622226/pid.27703/1/vader_segment.gs66-draco.232622226.caa90001.4
    Error:       No such file or directory (errno 2)

    -> The error can be fixed by adding

    export TMPDIR=/tmp

    to .bash_profile (see